Sunday, April 1, 2012

Queen of the House and Babysitting

My cat's name is Noisy and she has recently been nicknamed the Queen of the house. You can sit many places when you are the Queen. These are just a few. The one I can't get a picture of is when she is in my lap.  She is afraid of storms and wants to be held. 
When you are the Queen of the House you have your own recliner. It also matches your hair color so no one is the wiser
You have your own chair in the kitchen just to keep a watch on everything.

You have secret private places to sit as well.

You sit at the head of the table to make sure no one forgets to feed you.

You can supervise your kingdom from the window.

You have a large bed to sleep on, (when no one is home)

You also have comfy place on the love seat just incase you need another place to sit.
Baby sitting - It is spring and the calves are being born. This is a picture of one Momma, she is the large black one laying down on the right side of the picture. She is baby sitting 20 calves while the rest of the mothers are off grazing on the other hills. It is always neat to see. When Krystal and Tiff were little they were always amazed that one Momma would babysit. 

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